Sunday, January 4, 2015

Trying in 2014--Introduction

Over the next several weeks, FrauenTimes is publishing a series of blog items about 2014, a trying year.

Trying in 2014--Introduction

It was a trying year for us.

My mom died, Rowena got diagnosed with breast cancer and we ran into financial troubles. We had car problems, worries about job security, and body aches I couldn’t seem to shake.

People around the world face much worse than our little San Francisco family did in 2014.

Still, this year was one of the hardest I’ve ever faced. I wondered at times how I, how we as a family, would hold it together.

The answer was at once timeless and surprising. We did our best to stay on our feet, people around us propped us up and faith fueled and fortified us.

Ultimately, we not only avoided falling to pieces but came away more durable and more connected. 

What often felt like a cursed year left us feeling blessed. 


Monique said...

You call that an introduction? I call it a teaser! Translation: More, please!

Elisa said...

Thinking about you all, always. We send love, support, and hugs. Your beautiful family unit is solid. Though it won't feel so at times, you WILL come out the other side intact!xoxo

Ed Frauenheim said...

Monique--Good point. A bit more here now. And more to come!
Elisa--thanks a lot. I may steal your language of solid, intactness as I proceed!--Ed

Colette Plum said...

You and Ro have given so much to those of us fortunate enough to join you on this trek. Thank you! And I'm with Monique--more please!